Please join us for this week’s talk by Hussein Sibai-PhD Candidate in ECE under the advisement of Prof. Sayan Mitra:
“Accelerating Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems using Symmetry”.
Scalability is the main challenge facing the verification techniques for cyber-physical systems. Existing methods overlook structural properties of these systems which constrain their behavior and consequently allow, if utilized, for their faster verification. In this talk, I show how key structural information, such as symmetry, about these systems’ continuous dynamics, can be used to cache computed reachable sets of states and abstract and refine their models to accelerate their safety verification. I present experimental results showing significant speedup in computation time when verifying autonomous drones and cars, even those with neural networks-based controllers, following predefined paths in complex environments.
Hussein Sibai is a PhD candidate in the ECE Department at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign advised by Prof. Sayan Mitra. He received a bachelor’s degree in Computer and Communication Engineering from the American University of Beirut in 2014, and a master’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Illinois in 2017. His research interests are in formal methods, machine learning, and control theory. Hussein has won the best poster award in HSCC 2018, and best paper nominations at HSCC 2017 and ATVA 2019. His work has been recognized by the Rambus fellowship, the Ernest A. Reid fellowship, the MAVIS Future Faculty fellowship, and the ACM SIGBED gold medal for the graduate category in the student research competition in CPS Week’21.