CSL Social Hour – September 26, 2014

The social hour will be held in CSL Room 369 from 3PM-4PM.

All persons affiliated with CSL (students, faculty, post-docs, etc.) are welcome to attend.


Starting this week, Ehsan Shafieepoorfard will be the new general organizer of the CSL Social Hour. His email is shafiee1 [at] illinois.edu. If you are interested in helping organize the social hour, please contact him. 

There will be no social hour next week due to the Allerton Conference and Reflections/Projections

We are looking for people to organize  the CSL Student Conference. If you are interested, please send an email to ligo2 [at] illinois.edu.



Chun-Xun Lin will talk about his work in computer-aided design (CAD), in particular the Steiner Tree Routing problem for VLSI systems. He is a PhD student with Prof. Martin D. F. Wong.



Ehsan Shafieepoorfard is a PhD student with Prof. Maxim Raginsky. His interests are information theory, optimization and stochastic control.


CSL Social Hour – September 19, 2014

The first CSL Social Hour of the semesterwill be held in CSL Room 369 on Friday, September 19, 2014 from 3PM-4PM.

All persons affiliated with CSL (students, faculty, post-docs, etc.) are welcome to attend.

We are looking for people to help organize the social hours this semester as well as the CSL Student Conference. If you are interested in either, please send an email to ligo2@illinois.edu.

Decision and Control

Aadeel Akhtar will present his work on a 3D-printed prosthetic hand. He is a MD/PhD student in Neuroscience in the Robotics & neuro-Mechanical Systems Lab.



Peter Kairouz is a graduate student with Professor Pramod Viswanath. He will discuss some new directions in studying privacy.


Starting next week, Ehsan Shafieepoorfard will be the new general organizer of the CSL Social Hour. His email is shafiee1 [at] illinois.edu. 

CSL Social Hour – May 2, 2014

The final social hour of the semester will be held from 3PM-4PM in Room 141 (note room change!).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).







This week, our speaker is Thomas Starr (a CSL alum), who will talk about his new book “Virtual Vengence”, an exciting sci-fi novel set in the Coordinated Science Laboratory.

Virtual Vengeance provides a suspenseful journey into a future world, exploring the provocative question of ‘What distinguishes man from machine?’ In this world, everyone is taught by machine, never realizing the extent that machines are manipulating their every want and desire. Powerful forces in business and government conspire to exploit man’s total dependence on machine, and set out to control the world. In this murder mystery, we follow an unlikely protagonist, an eccentric Russian teacher, who innocently investigates some glitches in his teaching programs, and begins to see behind the seemingly benign screen to the evil that lurks. His struggles against the machine extend past his own death as he works beyond the grave to solve his own murder.

Biography: Tom Starr is a Lead Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Laboratories in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. Tom is responsible for the development and standardization of local access and home networking technologies for AT&T’s network. These technologies include ADSL, HDSL, SHDSL, VDSL, G.fast and G.hn. Tom was named “one of the 100 most powerful persons in telecommunications” by Global Telecoms Business magazine in 2010 for being “a true architect of the broadband availability the world enjoys today.” In 2009, Tom received the prestigious AT&T Science and Technology Medal. Tom serves as President of the Broadband Forum and has also served as a member of the Board of Directors from the inception as the ADSL Forum in 1994. Tom is also a distinguished fellow of the Broadband Forum From 1988 to 2000, Tom has served as Chairperson of ANSI accredited standards working group T1E1.4 which develops xDSL standards for the United States, received the Committee T1 Outstanding Leadership Award in 2001, and now serves at ATIS COAST-NAI Chairman. In the ITU-T SG15, Tom serves as Chairman of Working Party 1, addressing fiber, DSL, and home networking standards. Tom participates in the ITU SG15 Q4 group on xDSL international standards. Tom is a co- author of the books “DSL Advances” published by Prentice Hall in 2003, “Understanding Digital Subscriber Line Technology” published by Prentice Hall in 1999, “Broadband Access” published by Wiley in 2014, and author of the Science Fiction novel “Virtual Vengeance.” Tom previously worked 12 years at AT&T Bell Laboratories on ISDN and local telephone switching systems. Twenty US patents in the field to telecommunications have been issued to Tom. Tom holds a MS degree in Computer Science and a BS degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.


This is the final social hour of the semester. The social hour will resume in Fall 2014. We are looking for people to coordinate the social hour as well as the CSL student conference. If you are interested, please email ligo2 [at] illinois.edu.

CSL Social Hour – April 25, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

Remote Sensing and Space Sciences

Tony Mangognia is currently a PhD student of Professor Swenson in the Remote Sensing and Space Sciences group.

CSL Social Hour – April 18, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

Circuits and Electronics

Keith A. Campbell is currently a PhD student of Prof. Deming Chen. He is going to give a brief introduction to high-level synthesis, an automated process for generating application-specific hardware cores from software programs.

CSL Social Hour – April 11, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

This week, we will have Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan from Communications group talk about his research. He is advised by Professor Pramod Viswanath.  

CSL Social Hour – April 4, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

Photo on 4-2-14 at 5.28 PM #2This week, we will have Travis Hamilton from the PURE (Promoting Undergraduate Research in Engineering) program will talk about his experiences in the program. He will discuss what PURE is, along with how it connects first and second year undergraduates with graduate students involved in research. He will also discuss the benefits of being a PURE mentor while having a recent PURE mentee share her story and what she has gotten out of the program. Travis has been part of the PURE program for the past 5 semesters.


CSL Social Hour – March 28, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

This week (Spring Break), we will not have a speaker, but we will have some snacks and coffee!

Have a good spring break!

CSL Social Hour – March 21, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

Decision, Control & Optimization

Tao Yang






Tao Yang will talk about a new class of algorithm for nonlinear estimation, the feedback particle filter, based on idea from optimization and mean field game theory. It preserves the innovation-error based feedback control structure as in the Kalman filter.

CSL Social Hour – March 14, 2014

The social hour will be held from 3PM-4PM in the CSL lounge (Room 369).

Everybody affiliated with CSL is welcome at the social (students, postdocs, faculty, research scientists, etc.).

Signal, Image and Speech Processing

Luke Pfister will be talking about his work in accelerating medical imaging.


Qiaomin Xie will be talking about her work with Professor Yi Lu.