We , at CSL social hour organization, are happy to have Puoya Tabaghi as guest speaker. At this week’s social hour Puoya will talk about “Localization with Kinetic Euclidean Matrices”. Please join us this Friday, Nov. 2nd 3pm at CSL369 for social hour, and also refreshments.
Bio: Puoya is a 3rd year PhD student in ECE department, advised by Dr. Dokmanic. He received the B.S. degree from Amirkabir University of Technology and the M.S. degree from Colorado State University, in 2014 and 2016 respectively.
In his Master’s, he was working on mixture of factor models for joint dimensionality reduction and classification. Currently, he is working on kinetic distance geometry problems. He is mainly interested in statistical signal processing, control and learning theory.
He enjoys hip-hop and is delighted by country music, follows MMA matches and cooking shows, dances as he aspires to be a bodybuilder.