Do you want to know where you can safely store all your research data, or have you ever wondered what you should do when your Matlab license doesn’t work. We are pleased to have Mark Hart as our guest speaker for this week’s social hour on Friday, Sept 7 at 3:00PM in 369 CSL. Mark will tell us about wide variety of services provided by Engineering IT, to help both graduate student as well as faculty have better research experience.
Bio: Mark Hart has been an IT Professional at Illinois since 2004. In his career, he has worked in areas ranging from healthcare to network security, and this has led him to his current role as Research Technology Facilitator (RTF) for Engineering IT Shared Services. As RTF, Mark serves as an advocate for faculty and researchers, connecting them to the resources they need and helping ensure those researchers have a voice in shaping the services they use. In his role as RTF, Mark has been working with Klara Nahrstedt’s 4CeeD project team, as well as collaborating with NCSA on research computation services. Mark is currently pursuing a masters degree in Information Science with an emphasis on data curation and information management.