Want to know more about machine learning, control theory, robots and farming, CSL social hour committee is glad to have Prof. Girish Chowdhary this Friday, March 30th at 3:00PM in 369 CSL. In this week’s social hour Prof. Chowdhary will talk about “Autonomous and Intelligent Robots for Your Farm!”.
Abstract: What if a team of collaborative autonomous robots grew your food for you? In this talk, Prof. Chowdhary demonstrate some key theoretical and algorithm advances in adaptive control, reinforcement learning, collaborative autonomy, and robot-based analytics his group is working to bring this future a lot nearer!
Bio: Girish Chowdhary is an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and the director of the Distributed Autonomous Systems laboratory. He holds a PhD from Georgia Institute of Technology in Aerospace Engineering. He was a postdoc at the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and an assistant professor at Oklahoma State University’s Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department. He also worked with the German Aerospace Center’s (DLR’s) Institute of Flight Systems for around three years. Girish’s ongoing research interest is in theoretical insights and practical algorithms for adaptive autonomy, with a particular focus on field-robotics. He has authored over 90 peer reviewed publications in various areas of adaptive control, robotics, and autonomy. On the practical side, Girish has led the development and flight-testing of over 10 research UAS platform. UAS autopilots based on Girish’s work have been designed and flight-tested on six UASs, including by independent international institutions. Girish is an investigator on NSF, AFOSR, NASA, ARPA-E, and DOE grants. He is the winner of the Air Force Young Investigator Award, and the Aerospace Guidance and Controls Systems Committee Dave Ward Memorial award. He is the co-founder of EarthSense Inc., working to make ultralight agricultural robotics a reality.