The CSL Social Hour Organizing Committee is very excited to announce this week’s social hour by CSL Prof. Ivan Dokmanić. In this week’s social hour Prof. Dokmanić will talk about his experience as a faculty in CSL, his research team and projects they are working on. The event will be held on Friday, September 22 at 3:00PM in CSL 369.
Bio: Assistant Professor Ivan Dokmanić (PhD ’15) received a doctorate in computer and communication science from Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). Previously he was a teaching assistant at the University of Zagreb, a codec developer for MainConcept AG, and a digital audio effects designer for Little Endian Ltd. During summer 2013, he was with Microsoft Research in Redmond, Washington where he worked on ultrasonic depth sensings.
As a postdoctoral researcher with Laurent Daudet (Institut Langevin, Paris) and Stéphane Mallat (ENS, Paris), he used echoes to help robots navigate in unknown rooms and developed new ways to regularize inverse problems in computational imaging.
He works on a medley of audio and acoustics, distance geometry, and inverse problems theory. For his work on room shape reconstruction using sound, he received the Best Student Paper Award at ICASSP 2011; in 2014 he received a Google PhD Fellowship. He is a laureate of the EPFL Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Award. One of his ongoing projects on the use of echoes in auditory scene analysis (“Echonomy in Auditory Scene Analysis”) is funded by a Google Faculty Research Award.
He used to be the singer and the lead guitarist of Ivan and the Terribles, featuring Martin Vetterli on bass, Paolo Prandoni on everything, and Marta Martinez-Cámara on saxophone.