CSL Social Hour, September 9, 2016

The CSL Social Hour Organizing Committee is very excited to announce this week’s social hour titled as “The Rheology Zoo: Fluids, Solids and Things-In-Between”. The event will be held on Friday, September 9 at 3:00PM in CSL 369. We will be joined by our guest speakers Arif Nelson and Rebecca Corman.

arifBioArif Nelson is a fourth year graduate student in Mechanical Engineering. He is working with Professor Randy Ewoldt on a variety of projects involving rheologically-complex materials including thermoreversible gelation, design of shear-thinning materials, and rheology of performance magic. Additionally, he leads the Ewoldt Research Group’s outreach exhibit, The Rheology Zoo, which is intended to introduce people to concepts from rheology in a hands-on, intuitive way, and show how these concepts are used in modern research.


BioRebecca Corman is a fourth year graduate student in Mechanical Engineering in the Ewoldt Research Group. Her research focuses on design with rheologically-complex materials with an emphasis on viscoelastic material systems.