This week, Chi Zhang is going to give a brief talk on “Feedback particle filter with application to attitude estimation“. The event will be held in CSL 369 from 3:00pm to 4:00pm.
Bio: Chi Zhang is a fifth-year Ph.D. student working with Professor Prashant Mehta of the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering, UIUC. In 2011, he received his B.S. degree in Automotive Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China; In 2014, he received M.S. degree in Mathematics from UIUC. His research focuses on developing particle-based algorithms for nonlinear filtering and global optimization. Particularly, he is interested in problems possessing geometric structures (e.g. Riemannian manifolds). One application of his recent projects is the nonlinear attitude estimation found in robot localization.
See you all on Friday at the Social Hour!!