This week we are going to have a special social hour, which is going to be held on Friday April 10, 3:00 pm, in CSL 301.
On Friday, We are glad to have Prof. Madhu Viswanathan at our Social hour. Prof. Viswanathan is the Diane and Steven N. Miller Professor in Business at UIUC. He has been a faculty here since 1990. He earned a B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology, 1985) and a PhD in Marketing (University of Minessota, 1990). He founded and directs the Marketplace Literacy Project , a non-profit organization, pioneering the design and delivery of marketplace literacy education to low-income consumers and subsistence marketplaces. This was a brief introduction. Come to the Social Hour to learn more about his projects and research.
This is a special social hour, I hope you enjoy it.