CSL Social Hour – September 26, 2014

The social hour will be held in CSL Room 369 from 3PM-4PM.

All persons affiliated with CSL (students, faculty, post-docs, etc.) are welcome to attend.


Starting this week, Ehsan Shafieepoorfard will be the new general organizer of the CSL Social Hour. His email is shafiee1 [at] illinois.edu. If you are interested in helping organize the social hour, please contact him. 

There will be no social hour next week due to the Allerton Conference and Reflections/Projections

We are looking for people to organize  the CSL Student Conference. If you are interested, please send an email to ligo2 [at] illinois.edu.



Chun-Xun Lin will talk about his work in computer-aided design (CAD), in particular the Steiner Tree Routing problem for VLSI systems. He is a PhD student with Prof. Martin D. F. Wong.



Ehsan Shafieepoorfard is a PhD student with Prof. Maxim Raginsky. His interests are information theory, optimization and stochastic control.