CSL Social Hour – September 19, 2014

The first CSL Social Hour of the semesterwill be held in CSL Room 369 on Friday, September 19, 2014 from 3PM-4PM.

All persons affiliated with CSL (students, faculty, post-docs, etc.) are welcome to attend.

We are looking for people to help organize the social hours this semester as well as the CSL Student Conference. If you are interested in either, please send an email to ligo2@illinois.edu.

Decision and Control

Aadeel Akhtar will present his work on a 3D-printed prosthetic hand. He is a MD/PhD student in Neuroscience in the Robotics & neuro-Mechanical Systems Lab.



Peter Kairouz is a graduate student with Professor Pramod Viswanath. He will discuss some new directions in studying privacy.


Starting next week, Ehsan Shafieepoorfard will be the new general organizer of the CSL Social Hour. His email is shafiee1 [at] illinois.edu.